What does committee mean?


A committee or commission is a body of one or more persons subordinate to an assembly. A committee is not itself considered to be a form of assembly. Usually, the assembly sends matters into a committee as a way to explore them more fully than would be possible if the assembly itself were considering them. Wikipedia


What is an example of a  committee?                                                                        Examples are an audit committee, an elections committee, a finance committee, a fundraising committee, and a program committee. ... Committees may be formed to do research and make recommendations on a potential or planned project or change.


It is common for the elected body of a municipality to have standing committees. Members of these committees are usually a smaller subset of the full elected body, In our case three members of a seven-member elected body (Council).  These committees meet to discuss, research, and deliberate policy and or topics of concern. More focus and attention to detail is given to a specific topic of concern than cannot be given during the larger routine business meetings. These committees then forward recommendations on to the full elected body of Council for a decision, vote, and enactment.

2025 Committees of Tidioute Borough Council

Personnel Committee

Heather Cass - Chair

Trisha Hulings

Steve Morrison 

Plus two members of the Authority


Finance & Insurance Committee

Cindy Paulmier - Chair

Johnathan Brown

Trisha Hulings


Streets & Property Committee

Johnathan Brown - Chair

Aaron Schmidt

Heather Cass


Parks & Sidewalks Committee

Aaron Schmidt - Chair

Heather Cass

Linda Reed


Solid Waste Committee

Johnathan Brown - Chair

Linda Reed

Trisha Hulings 


Recreation Committee

Linda Reed - Chair

Cindy Paulmier

Trisha Hulings 


Revitalization Committee

Heather Cass - Chair

Cindy Paulmier
Johnathan Brown

Public Safety Committee

Cindy Paulmier - Chair

Aaron Schmidt 

Johnathan Brown 

Mayor - Henry O. Brown


Need to locate contact information? Find the right person to talk to in the local Borough offices of Tidioute now. 

Tidioute Borough
129 Main St
Tidioute, PA 16351

Phone: (814) 484-7424

Fax: (814) 484-7412

Email address: tboro@tidioute.org

Our Business Office Hours

Mon-Fri :

08:00 am - 03:30 pm

We're looking forward to hearing from you!


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List of Council & Authority Members

Click on the Administration page for a complete list of Tidioute Borough Council members as well as Southwest Warren County Municipal Authority (SWCMA) members.


Check out the Events page to find out what is going on in our beautiful town.


Local Organizations Visit the local Organizations page to learn more about our local non profits and organziations within the Tidioute community. 

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